Ted Moser, senior partner at Prophet and author of "Winning Through Platforms,"

Winning Through Platforms


Customer experience (CX) is no longer a series of isolated touchpoints. Today, companies leverage platforms to create continuous, data-driven customer journeys. Ted Moser, senior partner at Prophet and author of “Winning Through Platforms,” highlights the transformative power of this approach.

At the heart of successful platforms lies visibility. By observing how customers interact with products and services, companies gain invaluable insights into customer behavior and preferences. This empowers them to deliver more personalized and proactive customer experiences throughout the entire product lifecycle, going beyond one-time “wow” moments.

Moser emphasizes that building a successful customer experience technology stack begins with a clear customer understanding and a robust data strategy. Companies must ask themselves: how can data enhance customer experiences and offer better insights? Technology choices should then support this strategy, not lead it. 

Customer success software is an essential component for ensuring customers realize the full value of their purchase. Coupled with data from digital products and services, companies can track usage patterns and tailor their offerings to drive increased customer satisfaction and lifetime value.

The platform revolution requires reimagining internal processes.  Product, marketing, and customer service teams must collaborate more closely to deliver on the promise of a seamless, personalized customer experience. Done right, platforms empower companies to create meaningful relationships with their customers, fostering loyalty and growth. 


Could you prove the financial impact of your CX initiatives and secure the budget you need?

Creating a compelling pitch for the ROI of customer experience initiatives is crucial, especially when you need to capture the attention of executives and decision-makers.

Download my newest white paper, “The 10 Ways To Prove The ROI of Customer Experience,” and discover your needed data-driven customer experience strategies.


Blake Morgan was called “The Queen of CX” by Meta. She is a customer experience futurist and author of three books on customer experience. Her new book is called The 8 Laws of Customer-Focused Leadership: The New Rules for Building A Business Around Today’s Customer. For regular updates on customer experience, sign up for her weekly newsletter here

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